Kiko's Food News, 11.1.13

How cool that Cropmobster, one of the startups working to divert food waste around the U.S., just launched Food Waste News, a website dedicated to aggregating info about food waste from all segments of the industry! (Food Waste News

A study on the effects of race and poverty on food access found that living in a poor, mostly black neighborhood presents "a double disadvantage", as poor black neighborhoods not only have fewer supermarkets than wealthier black neighborhoods, but also fewer than poor white neighborhoods: (Los Angeles Times)

José Andrés and other restaurant tycoons have been pioneering ipad tablets as menus; not only can they display unlimited content and be updated in real time, but they offer apps like one that allows diners to get the server’s or chef's attention through the touch of a button (not sure this would be my approach to “empowering the diner”!): (NPR)

San Francisco may become the first U.S. city to curb the consumption of sugary drinks with a 2-cents-per-ounce soda tax; Supervisor Scott Wiener, who proposed the ballot measure, estimates this could bring in an estimated $30 million in tax proceeds annually: (Reuters)

Danny Bowien, the Mission District sweetheart chef made famous by his Mission Chinese Food, will soon have more restaurants in NYC than in SF; Mission Cantina, the second restaurant he’s opening on the Lower East Side, will serve its own Oaxacan-style cheese and nixtamalize its own corn! (New York Times)